Education in the 21st Century
2 min readApr 29, 2018
Most people equate education with just school/college, books and teachers. The truth is that education is much more. School and college education based on fixed curriculum cannot cope with the fast changing world of today.
I have been experimenting with my ideas on education for last 2 years. The following are my blog posts :
- Teaching my 6 year old son using Arduino
- Using Snakes and Ladders game to teach multiplication tables
- How I used ‘Book Cricket’ to make addition fun!
- How to Educate in the Digital Age?
- Education needs Flow
- Montessori Method of Education
- Adding ‘Flow’ in Education
- Role of Transmedia in Education
- Maker Education
- Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
- Makerspace
- Mathland and Scienceland
- Programming Chat Bots to Teach Geography and Chemistry to Kids
- Human While Loop
- Role of Startups in Higher Education
- Role of Parents in Education
- Student Teacher Ratio
- Flipped Classroom
- Learning Experience
- Visual Thinking in Education
- Stories
- Role of Play in Education
- Role of Music and Dance in Education
- Discipline or Freedom or Habits
- Time Table vs Agile Education
- Education as a Digital Product
- Role of Open Education Resources (OER)