Human While Loop
An interesting phenomena, which I have observed in maker kids and people who are makers around me is that such people get very focused on completing the project which they like to make. Problems of resources, time, knowledge etc., all become very small in front of them.
In computer programming there is a programming command called ‘While Loop’. While loop basically tells the computer to run some code till a particular condition is fulfilled. We follow this in real life also. When we are thirsty we drink water while we feel thirsty. Once the thirst is over we leave a glass full of drinking water even though the water is still there.
The interesting thing is that makers continue making despite all odds. They are like those while loops in computer which run till the condition is fulfilled. The loop may continue running endlessly in computer if the condition is not fulfilled. Makers do not go on endlessly but they leave things only after fighting it out.
This is a very powerful learning force. Once a kid wants to make something he or she will watch, listen, ask, experiment, tinker, write and do everything under control. The kid remains in flow state till the thing is built. Parents or the environment can derail the child by demotivating or by not providing stuff to tinker with but many kids find innovative ways around.
Even if unsuccessful in creating the project, the student learns a great deal. In fact the lean startup movement is all about this kind of learning with a more structured startup kind of management.
The ‘Human While Loop’ may seem like an addiction to some but if mentored properly this force can be harnessed to make a learner leap forward at 10x velocity. It is actually the concept of flow in action.
I have founded an open education project called Fun2Do Labs. To know more about it visit : . Subscribe to me on Medium to read my posts on education and technology.